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Bazi Kanani


What issue that SE2 works on gets you really fired up?

Equity initiatives, especially in education and health care. In our increasingly complex, high-speed, technologically sophisticated world, Colorado kids from all backgrounds and all corners of the state need a high-quality, modern education. And they need it to start earlier. In health care, nobody in our state should suffer more or die sooner from largely preventable or curable diseases because of factors beyond their control. We can do better for each other.

What SE2 value most resonates with you and why?

Working with purpose is the only way I know how to enjoy work. I’m also raising two young kids, which is both incredibly rewarding and demanding, and emphasizes for me the importance of how I spend my limited time. When I work on the issues that will impact their world and their lives, it feels like an extension of parenting. It’s additional motivation to succeed in my job everyday.

When I’m not in the office, you can find me…

Chasing, coaxing, chauffeuring, consoling, and cheering on two young children. And one husband. I’m also a world traveler, wannabe artist, and podcast enthusiast.

“I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.”

– John O’Donohue

Veteran reporter pivots career to work at the heart of today’s most pressing issues

I am sometimes un-cautiously optimistic. It’s a quality that enables me to act rather freely on my sense of my adventure, and has led me to live and work in communities across our country and around the world.

That steady optimism also influences my career choices, because I have always believed in the desire of most people to help others and the unlimited potential for collective action to improve our world.

For almost two decades I worked as a reporter in television and radio – including at KUSA Denver and ABC News internationally – where I aspired to keep the public informed about what was happening in their world, near and far. I believe in a free press as the Fourth Estate, essential for democracy to flourish. I believe citizens who are aware and accurately informed want solutions.

I also believe people can be inspired into action. That’s the nexus of my previous career in news and current career at SE2 where we use research and strategic communications to affect meaningful change on issues in the public interest.

When I was a little girl, my father frequently told me to “fight the good fight.” My mother said, “keep the faith.” I’m still at it: optimistic about what we can achieve when we combine our talents and passion to work on the issues that really matter.

Let’s collaborate!

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