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Brandon Zelasko


When I’m not at the office, you can find me…

Painting, binge watching The Office and Arrested Development, hiking in the mountains with my husband and our rescue dog, Burger, and falling into the Wikipedia wormhole. I also give back to the community by serving on the Colorado Young Leaders board of directors.

What issues impacting our community today really get you fired up, and why?

Education is critically important to create pathways of opportunity, but a four-year college degree isn’t the only way to do that. I wish we were doing more as a society to invest in and support apprenticeship and other alternatives to four-year colleges for both traditional students and adult learners. I started my education journey via the community college system and it was absolutely the best decision I made!

Which SE2 value resonates most with you?

I love piloting new tools and devising new ways to produce ever-better work for our clients. That’s why I gravitate to our value of Innovation and Growth. As the adage goes, “If you’re not growing, you’re dying.”

“The whole point is to live life and be – to use all the colors in the crayon box.”

– RuPaul

Some people call me Brandopedia

Uncontacted tribes, Europe’s royal families, planetary science and remote islands have nothing in common – except that I know way too much about all of them. My endless appetite for information about the world leads me down some pretty peculiar Wikipedia wormholes (and makes me a bit of a trivia badass).

As a kid, my curiosity used to get me in trouble; now it helps our clients succeed.

Because I love learning, I enjoy researching and collecting data. But I’m not just an egghead. I also love street art and music, which help me think and solve problems creatively. That’s why my role at SE2 is perfectly suited for me.

I found my way to Denver over a decade ago when I transferred here with a San Diego-based digital marketing agency. Back then, I managed online branding and marketing efforts for national and international organizations. But I found myself longing for something more: a role that would challenge my view of our world and create meaningful change in people’s lives.

That’s when I found SE2.

The gravity of our work – and the impact it has on people’s lives – is what drives me. When I do a good job at my job, smokers stop smoking. Kids don’t go hungry. Adults gain opportunities to better their lives.

Yes, the stakes are high, but there is nowhere I’d rather be.

Let’s collaborate!

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