Six years ago, we met Angel Ramirez, a Denver mom determined to quit smoking. At the time, she was deep in the struggle, juggling life, stress, and the weight of an addiction she wanted to break. She let us into her world, sharing the highs and lows of quitting, the shame she felt as a closet smoker, and the moment she decided she had enough.
For Tobacco Free Colorado, we’ve told countless stories about quitting. But Angel’s stands apart. Hers is the only one we have followed for six years, watching her journey unfold from the first call to the Colorado QuitLine to six years smoke-free. Today, Angel is thriving, and we are honored to share her next chapter. Elevating Diverse Voices in the Fight Against Nicotine Addiction
Elevating Diverse Voices in the Fight Against Nicotine Addiction
At SE2, we believe that elevating diverse voices is crucial in tackling addiction and promoting healthier communities. That’s why we invited Angel to chronicle her quit journey through weekly vlogs, sharing both her challenges and triumphs. Her authentic story has been a source of inspiration and valuable insight for others who may feel isolated in their struggles. Angel’s perspective, as a mother and a woman navigating the complexities of addiction, adds depth to the conversation around quitting smoking, proving that all stories matter and deserve to be heard.
A Habit She Couldn’t Hide
Angel started smoking at 15, surrounded by family members who made it seem normal—even cool. At first, it was just one cigarette here and there. Then it became one a day. Then three. Then five. By the time we met her in 2019, she was hiding it from co-workers, slouching in her car at red lights, avoiding eye contact with strangers.
Her kids saw through it. One day at the doctor’s office, her daughter pointed to a poster of diseased lungs. “Look, Mommy,” she said. “It’s like your lungs.” Angel knew she had to stop.
The Moment Everything Changed
Quitting wasn’t easy. She tried before, especially during pregnancy, but always went back. This time, she reached out for help. She called the Colorado QuitLine and got a coach who had been through it. No judgment. No shame. Just support.
“After my first call, I got off the phone and thought, ‘That’s it? That was easy.’”
Then the nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products arrived. Everything she needed—patches, gum, lozenges—showed up at her door, free of charge. Her kids became her biggest supporters, always checking in, making sure she stuck with it. Step by step, she pushed through.
Six Years Smoke-Free
Today, Angel stands on the other side. No more sneaking cigarettes. No more shame. She breathes easier, feels stronger, and knows she made the right choice—for herself and her kids.
Looking back, she knows quitting wasn’t just about breaking a habit. It was about reclaiming control, proving to herself that she could do it. And now, she wants others to know they can, too.
“If you’re ready to quit, just start. Make the call. Get a coach. Trust me, it gets easier. One day, you’ll be sitting where I am, feeling free.”
A Story That Keeps Us Inspired
Angel’s journey isn’t just hers. It’s inspiration for every person thinking about quitting but feeling stuck. It’s proof that change is possible. That support makes a difference. That life on the other side is worth it.
Six years ago, Angel said, “I’m just ready.” Today, she’s proof of what happens when you take that first step.