Denver’s Bikes Together connects people with bicycles for low cost.
Denver-based nonprofit bike shop Bikes Together gets more people on two wheels through its low-cost bike shop and bike maintenance classes. We recently announced that we would match up to $2,000 in donations. Community donors contributed enough to hit that amount in five days.
Although we’re no longer matching donations, Bikes Together is still taking monetary donations and is in need of high-quality used bikes and Mac computers. You can also give your time by signing up on their website as a volunteer. No experience is necessary — just a willingness to learn and teach others.
Bikes Together refurbished and redistributes bikes through community partners to kids and adults who otherwise would not be able to afford them. It also sells bikes through its bike shop at low cost and on a sliding scale with some bikes available for as little as $10.
Thanks to Bikes Together, there are more kids receiving their first bikes for the holidays, more people biking to work and more people who can keep rolling because they can change a tube or replace a chain without paying for a mechanic.
The organization was founded in 2008 as the Park Hill Bike Depot. In 2016 it opened the Mariposa location, now the main hub, as the pandemic caused them to close their location in Park Hill.