The Challenge
In Colorado, the rise of fentanyl-laced counterfeit pills poses a significant threat to public health, especially among teenagers. Even though most Colorado teens are not misusing prescription pills, misconceptions persist, and the danger of accidental exposure remains high.
Addressing these issues requires a strategy that not only educates but also leverages the positive behaviors and intentions already present among youth.
Our Approach
The Colorado Department of Law’s Opioid Response Unit engaged SE2 to develop and launch the Connect Effect campaign to harness the protective power of peer and adult connections and highlight positive social norms.
The campaign emphasizes that a vast majority of Colorado teens are making healthy choices and are willing to protect their friends from potential dangers. Key components of the approach include:
- Highlighting Positive Statistics: Promoting data that shows 87% of Colorado teens would intervene to stop a friend from taking a pill not prescribed to them, reinforcing that these protective behaviors are the norm.
- Educational Resources: Providing accessible information about the risks of fentanyl, recognizing signs of an overdose, and the life-saving potential of naloxone (known by the brand name Narcan).
- Facilitating Open Dialogue: Offering guidance for parents and other trusted adults on how to engage in meaningful conversations with teens about substance misuse and peer pressure.
- Multilingual Support: Ensuring parent resources are available in both English and Spanish to reach a broad audience.
A statewide paid media campaign used social, digital, and targeted out-of-home placements in schools and community centers. Using our SE2 PowerMap™ process, we engaged our network of community partners to disseminate campaign messages (e.g., inserting Connect Effect content into their newsletters and social media channels), hanging materials throughout their facilities, and speaking about the campaign in presentations and trainings.
The Impact
Since its inception, the Connect Effect campaign has made significant strides in reshaping perceptions and behaviors:
- Increased Awareness and Engagement: Teens and parents report a heightened understanding of the dangers associated with counterfeit pills and the prevalence of fentanyl. Third-party evaluation showed that in just 12 weeks, nearly three out of five Colorado teens were aware of the campaign. Additionally, the campaign strongly resonated with key audiences, achieving a click-through rate six times higher than industry benchmarks.
- Strengthened Community Bonds: The campaign has fostered stronger connections between youth, their peers, and adults, creating a supportive network that encourages healthy decision making. In addition to activating our network of statewide
- partners, six regions adopted and amplified the campaign in communities across the state.
By equipping individuals with knowledge and resources, the campaign has empowered Coloradans to act confidently in preventing potential overdoses and supporting their communities.