Engaging Members Through Targeted Communications

Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration

The Challenge

With a membership of 15,000 in more than 100 countries worldwide, this international professional society faced challenges similar to other large associations in a shifting social, technological and political landscape.

SE2 conducted a communications audit to assess the effectiveness of SME’s communications materials and processes. In addition, we reviewed extensive market research and developed a robust message platform to communicate with the variety of SME audiences, ranging from members to academics, industry partners, policymakers and more. We also developed audience personas and provided a series of message trainings and ongoing support for executive staff.
Over two years, SE2 worked with SME to increase message consistency across a multitude of educational programs and products and leverage tools to communicate effectively with members of various ages, education and backgrounds.

Tip Sheet

Content Marketing Tips

Killer content to break through the clutter